Wednesday, December 7, 2016

New Texas Driving Laws

        Recently, new driving laws has emerged across Texas which made a lot of people cautious. According to some rumors, there would be a new driving law that would take affect this Sunday. The new law is expected to strengthen current driving laws because the one that already exist are being broken by many people. Texas lawmakers made this law which covers subjects such as using cell phones in school area, passing a stopped school bus and leaving a scene after involving in accident or commonly know as "hit" and "run".
           It is known in Texas that the new law that stated no device usage when behind the wheel is now in affect. However, Police have stopped a lot of people using their device while driving cell phone. They are now trying to prohibit cell phone usage in active school areas including in the parking lots and dropping off area. The goal is to have less incidents especially in those school area and create more safe for everyone.
        They are also increasing the fine for whoever passes a stopped school bus. A lot of bus drivers and police officers are realizing that many people are not following this rule. Therefor, they are trying to increase the fine from  $200 to $1000 to the new range of $500 to $1250, which is believed to make a big awareness to people. Also, once involved in a collision or any type of impact with another vehicle, the penalty would also increase if someone tries to run out of the scene. To conclude, the main reason to increasing all this fines is obviously to try to have less accidents and bad claims. Could this new law work and be the resolution to Texas's driving problem? I don't know, we shall see.

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